Omaha Bee Club

Coffee Time


March 1st, 9-11am

Omaha Bee Club will host our monthly Coffee Time at the Hy-Vee in Millard. Members and Non-Members are welcome. Details can be found under the EVENTS tab.

2025 New BeeKeeper Course

Goto to register for the 2025 New BeeKeeper course. This course will be taught in four (4) 2-hour classes over the next few months. Register as an individual ($50), or, for $10 more, you may bring one family member. The first class is January 21st. Details can be found under the EVENTS tab.

Please see the Bee Removal Page for assistance with honey bee swarms.

We are a local bee club in Omaha, Nebraska helping our area beekeepers be successful.  Our focus is on the Omaha/Metro and surrounding areas.  We have members from approximately 11 Counties in Nebraska and Iowa who have joined or participate in Omaha Bee Club activities.

Please look through all of the various pages on our website as we provide information and resources in a wide variety of areas relating to bees and beekeeping in the Omaha/Metro area.

If you wish to join, please come to our monthly meeting. Please see our Events Calendar for more information.

Send us an email at for more information.


The Omaha Bee Club (OBC) enables successful beekeeping in the Omaha metro area by providing education, training, fellowship, and mentorship throughout the year and across all levels of beekeeper development.  The OBC partners with aligned organizations to improve the environment and diversify and improve honeybee habitat.