So you want to start beekeeping?
Beekeeping is an amazing hobby! While most beekeepers start their adventure with a hive or two, many catch the bug and quickly grow their apiaries to more substantial numbers. This page is meant to help a new hobbyist learn what to expect, how to get started, and where to find help.
Omaha Bee Club is hosting our 2023 New Beekeepers Course January 26th, February 9th and 23rd, and March 9th. The classes will meet at 2pm at the La Vista Conference Center. Please see the EVENTS tab for details.
Like any new hobby, there are considerable initial costs as you enter into the world of beekeeping. A completely new setup of a hive, a colony of bees, and the minimum necessary equipment can cost in the neighborhood of $500-$600 per hive and we recommend you start with two hives. There are of course ways to cut a few corners or at the very least spread the costs over several months to make taking the leap seem more manageable.
A new beekeepers typically gets their first hive up and running in the spring. This means winter is a great time to collect and assemble the needed equipment. The holidays are the perfect time for your family and friends to help you on your way with a piece of equipment or two.